W O R K & S K I L L E D

We know you’ve always dreamed of working overseas. Australia has many types of working visas that suit different skillsets. You could be the one Australia is waiting for, and we’d love to help you achieve that dream



There are numerous types of temporary and permanent work visas for individual skilled workers or through an Australian or overseas business. 

Temporary Short Stay Specialist Visa (Subclass 400)

This visa allows you to work on a temporary, short-term, highly specialized job that must be non-ongoing. 

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • have highly specialized skills, knowledge or experience

  • have an organisation in Australia who will support your visa

  • be able to support yourself and any dependants

  • meet character and health requirements 

  • be a genuine visitor

Length of Stay

  • Up to 3 months

Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408)

This visa allows you to come to Australia to do a specific type of work on a short-term basis, such as entertainer for the entertainment industry; invited participant for a specific cultural or social event(s); researcher to participate, observe or undertake research project; religious worker serving religious objectives; participant in a special program for youth exchange, cultural enrichment or community benefits; to play sport , coach, instruct/ adjudicate or train; to work in a skilled position under reciprocal staff exchange arrangement; be employed as super-yacht crew member; to work as a domestic worker or participate in an Australian government endorsed event. 

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • have the skills to undertake the activity to be carried out in Australia

  • be supported or sponsored

  • meet other additional requirements (dependant on the stream) 

Length of Stay

  • Up to 3 months to 4 years

Temporary Skilled Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

This visa enables Australian businesses to address labour shortages by hiring skilled workers where they cannot find an appropriately skilled Australian. It facilitates employment of foreign workers to address temporary skill shortages, whilst ensuring that Australian workers get priority. 

This visa allows you to stay and work in Australia in your nominated occupation and enables you to bring your family members with you. The visa also may have a pathway to Permanent Residency, depending on your nominated occupation. 

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • have an Australian employer who is an approved sponsor

  • have your occupation listed on either the short term, medium and long term or regional occupation list 

  • meet character and health requirement

  • have adequate health insurance

  • meet the English requirement

Length of stay

  • Up to 2 to 4 years

Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Subclass 494)

This visa enables Australian businesses located in regional Australia to address labour shortages by hiring skilled workers where they cannot find an appropriately skilled Australian. It facilitates employment of foreign workers to address temporary skill shortages, whilst ensuring that Australian workers get priority. 

This visa allows you to stay and work in Australia in your nominated occupation and enables you to bring your family members with you. The visa also allows Permanent Residency (if eligible) after 3 years.

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • have an Australian employer who is an approved sponsor located in regional Australia

  • have your occupation listed on either the short term, medium and long term or regional occupation list 

  • meet character and health requirement

  • have adequate health insurance

  • meet the English requirement

Length of stay

  • Up to 5 years

Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186)

This is a Permanent Resident visa that lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia. It enables you to stay in Australia indefinitely, enrol in Australia’s public health care scheme (Medicare), sponsor eligible relatives to come to Australia and apply for Australian citizenship (if and when eligible).

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • be nominated by an Australian employer 

  • have an eligible occupation

  • meet the relevant qualification, skills and experience requirement

  • have licensing, registration or membership

  • be under 45 years of age

  • meet character and health requirements

  • have the required level of English language

Length of Stay

  • Indefinitely 



The General Skilled Migration program aims to attract highly skilled workers for migration to Australia. Unlike employer sponsored visas, it does not require sponsorship by an Australian business. It is however a points-tested, family sponsored, or state sponsored skilled visa.

Skilled Recognized Graduate Visa (Subclass 476)

This visa allows recent engineering graduate to live, work or study in Australia for up to 18 months. You must have completed a degree or higher qualification from a specified institution within the past 2 years and be under 31 years of age.


To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • have completed an engineering qualification from a specified educational institution

  • must be under 31 years of age

  • meet character and health requirement

Length of stay

  • Up to 18 months

Skilled Work Regional (Subclass 494)

The Subclass 494 visa allows you to live, work and study in a designated area or specified regional area of Australia. There are two pathways for the 494 visa; nominated by a state or territory government agency or sponsored by an eligible relative.

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • be invited to apply

  • be sponsored or nominated

  • be under 45 years of age

  • have a suitable skills assessment

  • score at least 65 points

  • have the required level of English language

  • meet character and health requirement


Length of stay

  • Up to 5 years

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

The Subclass 189 visa is for invited highly skilled workers and New Zealand Citizens. This visa allows you to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia. It also enables you enrol in Australia’s public health care scheme (Medicare), sponsor eligible relatives to come to Australia and apply for Australian citizenship (when eligible). There are two types of streams:


To be eligible for this visa, you must:

Points Tested Stream

  • be invited to apply

  • be under 45 years of age

  • have an eligible occupation

  • have a suitable skills assessment

  • have licensing, registration or membership (if required)

  • have the required level of English language

  • meet character and health requirements


New Zealand Stream

  • be a holder of a New Zealand Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa

  • have lived in Australia for 5 years

  • satisfy the income requirement (unless exempted)

  • meet character and health requirements

Length of Stay

  • Indefinitely

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

 The Subclass 190 visa is for state/ territory nominated and invited highly skilled workers. This visa allows you to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia. It also enables you enrol in Australia’s public health care scheme (Medicare), sponsor eligible relatives to come to Australia and apply for Australian citizenship (when eligible).


To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • be state or territory nominated

  • be invited to apply

  • be under 45 years of age

  • have an eligible occupation

  • have a suitable skills assessment

  • have licensing, registration or membership (if required)

  • have the required level of English language

  • meet character and health requirements


Length of Stay

  • Indefinitely